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Largest Selection of 1031 Properties

  • Extensive List of Verified Properties

  • Immediate Availability in All Locations

  • Defer Capital Gains Taxes

  • Initial Cash Flows Range From (3% - 8%)*+

Featured 1031 Exchange Properties List

1031 Wealth Advisors, is a national Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) and Triple Net (NNN) investment firm doing business in all 50 states. Our real estate careers began in the late 1980’s which means we have worked through many growing and contracting markets. We use this knowledge to help you make the best possible real estate decision— placing you in the largest leading list of passive income 1031 exchange investment properties that have been fully vetted by our team of analysts. In addition, our experience working with the top real estate companies for over 20 years gives you access to a broader selection of better 1031 investment properties.

Amazon Fulfillment & Distribution DST

Minimum investment -

cash $25,000 or 1031 - $100,000

Equity Raise: $69 mIllion

  • NNN Lease

  • Cash-on-cash return: 3.01% starting

Motor Fuel Fund

Offering prise $141 million

Equity Raise: $50 mIllion

  • Bonus depreciation: $80,370.000

  • Cash-on-cash return: 6.00% starting

Texas Oil & Gas, DST

Minimum investment: $100,000

Equity Raise: $15.7 mIllion

  • Tax advantaged depreciation

  • Cash-on-cash return: 6.9% starting

Self Storage DST

Minimum investment -

cash $25,000 or 1031 - $100,000

Equity Raise: $74 mIllion

  • 33 properties in 8 states & 9,125 units

  • Cash-on-cash return: 4.78% starting

Why Choose Us?

Experience Matters

We have the knowledge and information to help answer your questions and provide a level of information generally not available without hiring a consultant —a level of information only available from top advisors.

1031 public storage

The 1031 Exchange Game: Winning Strategies for the Savvy Investor's Ultimate Property Swap

February 23, 20244 min read


Diving into the world of 1031 exchanges without a seasoned guide is like setting sail without a compass—you're in for a wild ride, my friend. This isn't just about swapping properties; it's a strategic move that could shield you from hefty capital gains taxes, propelling your investment portfolio to new heights. But here's the kicker: the path is littered with potential pitfalls, from choosing the wrong property to missing critical deadlines. It's a high-stakes game where the right moves can make you a king and the wrong ones can leave you in the dust. Imagine navigating this maze with the confidence of a seasoned pro, armed with insider knowledge that turns obstacles into stepping stones. That's what we're diving into today. Whether you're a veteran investor or just getting your feet wet, understanding the nuances of a successful 1031 exchange can transform your approach to real estate investing. So, buckle up—we're about to embark on a journey that could redefine your financial future. Let's decode the secrets to mastering the 1031 exchange, ensuring your next move is not just a step, but a giant leap towards your investment goals.

Navigating the 1031 Maze: How to Dodge Pitfalls and Strike Gold with Your Next Property:

Alright, let's dive into the world of 1031 property exchanges, and let me tell you, it's like navigating a jungle without a map if you don't have the right guide by your side. You know what I'm talking about, right? That feeling of being lost in a sea of options, regulations, and deadlines. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the needle can set you up for financial freedom, and the haystack is the vast real estate market.

First off, for those who might be scratching their heads, wondering what a 1031 exchange even is – it's basically a swap meet for real estate investors. You're selling one investment property and buying another, and the kicker? If you play your cards right, you can defer all those pesky capital gains taxes. Sounds sweet, doesn't it? But here's where it gets as tricky as convincing a cat to take a bath.

When you're on the hunt for a 1031 property, there are a few key things you gotta keep your eyes peeled for. And trust me, missing these can be as painful as stepping on a Lego barefoot in the middle of the night.

Location, Location, Location: It's the oldest saying in the book for a reason. You want a property that's not just good for today but is sitting pretty for tomorrow, next year, and the next decade. Think about growth potential, the neighborhood vibe, and what the area offers. Is it up-and-coming or steady and reliable? Either way, you want your investment to be the cool kid on the block, not the one eating glue.

The Numbers Game: This isn't just about what you're buying but what you're selling too. The properties have to be of like-kind. I'm not talking about swapping a parking lot for a penthouse. It's about the investment value. And your new property? It's gotta be equal or higher in value than the one you're letting go of. This is where you need to have your math hat on tight because if the numbers don't add up, you're the one paying the price.

Quality Tenants & Lease Terms: You're not just buying walls and a roof; you're stepping into a relationship with tenants. You want tenants who treat payments like their morning coffee – always on time. And those lease terms? They should be as solid as a rock. Long-term leases with reliable tenants are like gold in the 1031 exchange world.

The Dreaded Deadline: From the moment you sell your property, the clock starts ticking louder than a time bomb. You've got 45 days to nominate potential replacement properties and 180 days to close the deal. Miss this, and you might as well throw your money into a bonfire. It's a high-stakes race against time.

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room – going at it alone. It's like trying to perform surgery on yourself. Sure, you might have watched a YouTube tutorial, but does that really qualify you? Not having an experienced advisor in the 1031 exchange arena is like trying to navigate a minefield blindfolded. The frustration, the overwhelm – it's real. You're dealing with a complex web of regulations, deadlines, and financial calculations. One wrong step, and boom, there goes your investment.

An experienced advisor is your Indiana Jones in this treasure hunt. They've been through the temple of doom more times than they can count. They know where the traps are, how to avoid them, and most importantly, how to get you to the treasure – a successful 1031 exchange.

So, before you jump into the deep end, ask yourself, do you have the right guide leading you through the jungle? Because with the right support, the path to expanding your real estate empire becomes a whole lot clearer. And let's be real, who doesn't want to make their financial future as bright as the Vegas strip with a little less gamble?

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Need help finding suitable 1031 property?

Wherever you are in your 1031 process, our advisors are here to help.

At 1031 Wealth Advisors, we create a 1031 Exchange Plan tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of individuals looking to invest in passive real estate opportunities while minimizing their tax burden. We understand that every individual’s situation is unique, and we work closely with our clients to create a customized plan that fits their specific needs. Our team of experienced professionals will guide you through the entire 1031 exchange process, from identifying potential properties to working with a qualified intermediary to ensure that all deadlines and requirements are met.

Introducing a Fresh Approach to Handling Your Investment Property Wealth

  • NNN Properties, Retail, Apartments, Industrial, Student Housing, Office, Assisted Living, Oil & Gas

  • 1031 Property Immediately Available

  • 1031 Properties Nationwide

  • Easy to Find Properties in 45 Days

  • Receive Increased Cash Flow

  • Earn Cash-on-Cash Yields of 3% - 8%

  • Select Flexible Investment Sizes

  • Freedom from Property Management

  • Long-Term Leases for Tenants

  • Benefit from Many Tax Advantages

What you should look in your 1031 exchange replacement property?

  • Location – The location of a property plays a vital role in deciding the future of the investment. A property built on a prime location is likely to produce more income.

  • Neighborhood – A developing or developed neighbouhood could be the source of good quality tenants.

  • Crime Rate – Nobody wants to live in a place where crime rate is high. A good living environment is important for the growth of a real estate investment.

  • Employment Opportunity – New job opportunities always attract new faces from different locations. A place with high employment opportunity is ideal for real estate investment.


“fractional interest” in high-quality institutional real estate

Replacement properties structured as DSTs have become a popular investment offering for 1031 exchange investors for a number of reasons and we’re here to help you understand why.

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